Bearing in mind the importance of promoting the bilateral economic and
trade relations between the Republic of Moldova and the Republic of Slovenia, we have the pleasure to invite You to participate at the Moldova
Trade Forum 2021, which will be held during 28-30 April 2021.
Moldova Trade Forum 2021 is an annual export promotion
event and platform for enabling partnerships between producers from the
Republic of Moldova and foreign retail chains / distributors.
More than 300 companies from the Republic of Moldova, representatives of
well-known retail chains, distributors and economic experts are expected to
attend the online event. The main sectors addressed: information technologies,
agri-food industry, creative industries, automotive, light industry and others.
This event will
be useful to Slovenian companies to find new
business partners in the local and European markets, arrange individual B2B
sessions to develop business partnerships, promote Slovenian companies and
products in foreign markets, discover new products and services, meet new
suppliers, learn from well-known national and international experts about the
available solutions to overcome the negative consequences of the pandemic
crisis and promote exports.
For confirmation and any further information regarding the event, please
don’t hesitate to contact the Embassy – ph.:+361 336 34 50, e-mail: or register
online at